Monday, August 30, 2010
I am back now for not blogging for long time...Its making me me boring without blogging at home..So,tomorrow we gonna have Teachers Day at school.Me and chelsea will duet by singing "For You I will".Cynthiani and shella will sing "Thanks To You".Me and chelsea decided to wear a dress with black high hills on it..and buying chocolate (Silver Queen)3 PACKS..1 for vice principle and its min eanothe rone for Ms.Rachel..and Ms.Nita...Okay and so pls dont tell...shh bye..
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Little Problem
Hey again pals..!Sorry for not blogging for long time soon..i've got lil problem of my laptop thats about the technician....First time when i bought my laptop which is apple itz just okay but long time i use its i bother my parents by saying"MAY U bring my laptop to the technician soon?"then my parents soon decided to bring it later afternoon...i kept begging them hahahaha *sigh*the technician is at sunplaza and also i've got a lil prob of my blackberry which is hang...its almost 1 million to make it normal so luckily its my father friends shop he make it lower to
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Somewhere Up in he sky
Hey Hey u just know last l;ast 2 years my grandpa had just passed away that now he is at heaven maybe (hope)Somewhere up in the sky he will bless me and my family. ...
Fever Go away and Welcome fresher please:P
Hey my pals!not blogging for a lil bit long time..and now the whether is not good still were i called it as Sickness Weather..i really hate this weather where lots of people gets fever and lots more...what i get now is a lil bit annoying fever and flu.....hope i can survive for my sound sound is really really not same and its different from last voice cause of flue...what i do is checking up at DR.DJOHANS OPTIK where its at where(dunno:p)and so this is my letter to god;
Thank you for all your creations and many more...i just wanna pray so that later on Monday my sound can be back soon....hope i can run away from this silly annoying sickness...
Thank you for all your creations and many more...i just wanna pray so that later on Monday my sound can be back soon....hope i can run away from this silly annoying sickness...
Friday, August 20, 2010
Shocked ...I am Shocked enough...
Hry there my pals...i have a bad new and nice news...but the bad news makes me sad..and the nice news makes me happy and frightened and shy too..,.u know what?the bad news is i will sing at teachers day..actually i am solo but i cant cause im i will duet....shella and cynthiani will duet but me.....nononononono!i will duet with CHELSEA THE NICE VOICE GIRL.....HUHUHUHUHUH...PRAY FOR ME HOPE I WILL SURVIVE....
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Wanna say Hey/Hello to the new student:D
Hi my pals!This day was really fun,but i had forgotten to say to you that my class had a new student named Rachel Noriska.She is my best friend , her best friend is also me and ashvini.The first thing that i liked her is:
2.had a neat and nice handwriting.
5.always lend me anything.
6.lastly to say to you RACHEL..I LOVE YOU AS MY BEST FRIEND FOREVER...
One letter for you :
Thank you to be my top best friends..You will never be my enemy.As long as i not school there anymore i will not forget you as hard as possible.I just want your relationship and mine is never end even when the doomsday comes.Nobody wants to have a Bugglar friend who boastes a lot..But i want to have a nice friend like you Rachel.I really want a hope or a wish to you that i just want you to be my best friend always.I think nobody will never broke or end our bff..I know my life is different from yours.But if you rather choose other people to be your best friend..okay fine:).I'M NOT going to cry..cause you know i am not a children anymore,i will just still be your best friend whether you dont want me to be your best friend..But as soon as you hate me maybe,just say to me what is my bad attidude and i will change it soon as possible..I know i cant force you to be my best friend cause life cant be forces...Hope you will be my top best friend and hope you will always REMEBER ME always!!
Sincerly ,
Okay guys thats my letter...i kinda not force her for that..
My motto is just theres no life if theres no love,smataness,and family and lastly and thers no life if theres no best friends..
2.had a neat and nice handwriting.
5.always lend me anything.
6.lastly to say to you RACHEL..I LOVE YOU AS MY BEST FRIEND FOREVER...
One letter for you :
Thank you to be my top best friends..You will never be my enemy.As long as i not school there anymore i will not forget you as hard as possible.I just want your relationship and mine is never end even when the doomsday comes.Nobody wants to have a Bugglar friend who boastes a lot..But i want to have a nice friend like you Rachel.I really want a hope or a wish to you that i just want you to be my best friend always.I think nobody will never broke or end our bff..I know my life is different from yours.But if you rather choose other people to be your best friend..okay fine:).I'M NOT going to cry..cause you know i am not a children anymore,i will just still be your best friend whether you dont want me to be your best friend..But as soon as you hate me maybe,just say to me what is my bad attidude and i will change it soon as possible..I know i cant force you to be my best friend cause life cant be forces...Hope you will be my top best friend and hope you will always REMEBER ME always!!
Sincerly ,
Okay guys thats my letter...i kinda not force her for that..
My motto is just theres no life if theres no love,smataness,and family and lastly and thers no life if theres no best friends..
best friends
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Let us not be absent!!
Guys!hate teachers day ask me to sing again.....but be brave girl again....
What things that always makes me annoyed by people ?
Whats the meaning of this life that it always full of annoyable people ,emmbarrasing(is it correct spelling?)*sigh*and that boy called BRYAN TAN.He sits beside me and its really making trouble everytime even RACHEL my best friend the new student is saying him trouble maker and annoys people.Do you wanna know what things makes me angry with BRYAN TAN that likes to make people in trouble.Okay ,sure i'm gonna tell you okay?
Things that makes me angry with BRYAN TAN the annoying boy who sits beside me:
1.making eraser dust and spilled it at my head.
2.tickeling me.
4.copying my work
5.Making weird sounds like monkey and tarzan etc.
6.pulling my hair
7.kicking of my feet.
6.pushing me .
7.throw my things
8.hiding my things thats important
Should i call him KICKER SHOE BOY?No,matter what?
Even last time when selina comes he kicks selina's feet and actually not me who get kicked and what me who say AWWWWWW....funny right?It feels pain...
Piity you BRYAN TAN...almost half of the class hates you..
And i had prepare one moral just for you boy:the moral is"Change your bad attidute and be a lil bit polite"
Okay flicker Shoe Bryan..You are not aloud to touch me now with your dirty hands with lots of SINS..He called me Putri Keong..So i called him KEONG RACUN..And i think its annoys him, much than me..Anyway i should be passion with others..but now I CANT BE PASSION JUST WITH YOU FLICKER KICKER SHOE BOY...
Bye for now..
Things that makes me angry with BRYAN TAN the annoying boy who sits beside me:
1.making eraser dust and spilled it at my head.
2.tickeling me.
4.copying my work
5.Making weird sounds like monkey and tarzan etc.
6.pulling my hair
7.kicking of my feet.
6.pushing me .
7.throw my things
8.hiding my things thats important
Should i call him KICKER SHOE BOY?No,matter what?
Even last time when selina comes he kicks selina's feet and actually not me who get kicked and what me who say AWWWWWW....funny right?It feels pain...
Piity you BRYAN TAN...almost half of the class hates you..
And i had prepare one moral just for you boy:the moral is"Change your bad attidute and be a lil bit polite"
Okay flicker Shoe Bryan..You are not aloud to touch me now with your dirty hands with lots of SINS..He called me Putri Keong..So i called him KEONG RACUN..And i think its annoys him, much than me..Anyway i should be passion with others..but now I CANT BE PASSION JUST WITH YOU FLICKER KICKER SHOE BOY...
Bye for now..
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Independence Day at School.

Hi!~!again my school we students and teachers had our independence day at school..and its so fun..sadly i forgot to bring my camera..and dont know may or may not bring it to school ..our independence day was really really nice and cool but tiring is the worst of worst thing i need to say it out loud at you guys...The first time the game was sack race and i didnt want to join so,ashvini and joan join the sack race competition at my class and ash wins 1st place joan wins 2nd place they got annoying surprises.First thing i thought selina will won but she did not..:(
remember to look at the pictures above that are related to my school Day today...bye guys..see you later again..busy buzzy me:)
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Decoration dead line
Decoration deadlines is tomorrow dismissal time from 12 until 2:35.We have time to prepare just now at class but sadly not all had done yet.We decorate it using jane's macarony(fake).But sad episode(hahaah)is when me,cynthiani,natasya,oriana,ashvini and shella is badmooding weith jane and dont friend her just because of the door decor just now at MPH when me and selina and the rest joined the choir group.and its so BORED AGAIN.:0
Bye for now
Bye for now
Monday, August 9, 2010
Fun day at school.:D

Actually school makes me saying this words again and again like BORED FOR SCHOOL.This words that i think makes you annoys guys..Sorry :(..But,this year the school was really funtastic fun thingy like there are funny boys and girls in my class or either classmates that sometimes makes me laugh out like LIN HUNG YU.He makes me laugh by saying 'London tears is falling down'because he makes melbourne cried...This day was really fun not like when its p5 -annoying teachers and friends inside the classroom.And btw sorry for not blogging this time time for sure but for u blog i should have time spending for blogging this only..
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