Guys!This last moment on last Friday,is the most exciting moment.That me,and my cousins went to Cambridge just for Playing CHIMMON PLAY.Nicholas and Meximes the American boy who is my cousins..I am very lucky to hv American Cousins like them..But (i am lucky too to have cousins){^-^}.The first play is Extremely boring because me who must hav a moment to take care of those of my naughty cousins except for nich and mex....The Chimmon Play was nice but themost sad episode is when me myself have to take care of them all...That time we played the popping slide(dunn how its called hehe)somebody bumpme..and bump nich feet..and its twisted extremely...and cried loudly like Shrek when he is mad usually....When she thegirl bump us all i was usually mad and when she knows i was mad she ran through her mother and went home....SEE GUYS!SHE IS really so stupid and bring her to Crazy and stupid School.....They way i see her fashon and style is so euwww...
and guys sory no post time okay?
xoxo annisa...